Tip #1 Moisturize
If you want to keep your braids looking fresh all the time. It is important to moisturize them. It will help them preserve their shape and have less frizz. We recommend you to use our Weave Aide Straight Edge Pomade You can apply it with every strand as you braid.
Tip #2 Wrap Them Up At Night

Wrapping up your braids at night will help with frizz and allow your braids to last longer. You can use a scarf or a bonnet to cover them right before you head to bed.
Tip #3 Style Them Properly
Putting up your braids in a high bun or ponytail can be a beautiful look but you may want to reconsider this. Doing this can loosen your braids and reduce the amount of time they will stay done. It can also cause problems to your natural hair from all the pulling. It won't hurt to do them once in a while but avoid doing them regularly. Some styles you can consider trying are tying a scarf on your head while having your braids down, doing a loose side braid, or adding some color to your braids.
Tip #4 Wash Your Braids
